Become a Member

Becoming a member or renewing your annual membership of SAFE is fast & easy,  You can print it and submit it to us by emailing it to or by Fax (907)842-2198, or stopping by SAFE Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm to submit your application and payment. For your convenience, we've also made it possible to pay online using the link below.

Your membership supports the many programs and services offered by SAFE including emergency shelter and transportation, crisis intervention and 24 hour Crisis Line, support groups, legal advocacy, medical and court accompaniment, village services and village based advocates, school and community presentations, Sexual Assault Response Team (SART), SISTR program and the Community Justice Alliance. It will also go towards a wide range of services to children and child care for women in treatment and Myspace Youth Wellness Center.

Membership includes voting privileges for our Board of Directors at our annual membership meeting.

Thank you so much for your support, we hope you renew your membership or become a new member.


Individual      $25.00  Can pay for advertising SAFE Support groups/talking circles.
Family           $25.00   Can pay for food for an adult and child for two days.
Sponsor        $50.00   Can pay for transportation to SISTRS Support Group.
Business       $100.00   Acknowledges your business's effort to provide SAFE Services.
Benefactor    $500.00   Can pay for Emergency air transport flight for a victim to our shelter.

Supporter      Donations are appreciated. This adds you to email lists and event notifications. it does not include a vote for board of directors candidates.

Safe and Fear-free Environment, Inc. (SAFE)

Click the button above for the PDF form. After filling the PDF Form please email to and click the button below to donate any membership dues.

Alaskans may donate part of their Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) to SAFE, through the Pick.Click.Give program. Visit our page on the Pick.Click.Give website to learn more.