Safe and Fear-free Environment, Inc. (SAFE)


Thispport Group meets every Thursday from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. It is led by our Direct Services Coordinator and is in the appropriately named SISTRS Conference room at SAFE.Dinner is provided and discussion ranges over topics that are necessary for sobriety and recovery. This group is for adult women and is facilitated in that way.


SISTRProgram (Safety In Sobriety Through Recovery). Safe housing, child care, treatment and support services for chemically dependent victims of domestic violence and/or sexual assault.

STOP Violence Against Indian Women grant program – Court watch and tribal court and intervention support for village based initiatives for prevention, reduction and safety services for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.


System Advocacy is when an Advocate speaks with or works with another agency on behalf of (and with permission from) a person seeking services, to assist the other agency to better respond to the needs of the individual being served as well as others who may be in similar situations now or in the future.

System Advocacy also occurs when a knowledgeable and committed person confronts, enlightens and brings about changes in systems, intuitions and agencies.  


A 24-hour toll free crisis line monitored by trained staff and volunteers.  


Crisis Intervention information and referral.

Crisis intervention counseling (individual) followed up with ongoing support services and referral and assistance with accessing longer-term counseling where applicable. 

Advocacy & Accompaniment (Individual) it includes medical, public assistance, social services, law enforcement, as well as legal advocacy and assistance with Domestic Violence Protective Orders

Transportation to the shelter and medical, legal, and social services

Support groups for women, children and teens in crisis and transition


Safety Planning  


Assistance and information on filing for Victims of Violent Crime Compensation.

Our Services



Provide crisis intervention counseling and referrals for child victims and non-offending parents.


Sexual Assault Response Team with specific expertise and training in responding to

child and young adult victims of sexual assault through the Child Advocacy Center team.

Direct support and personal and systems advocacy for child victims       

SAFE for LIFE comprehensive children’s outreach, education and support program    

MOMS’s program child care for parents participating in substance abuse treatment

and/or sobriety support activities.

Substance abuse assessment and treatment (if applicable) for children 12 and older though the SISTR program

Assistance in accessing FASD diagnostic and treatment services for children and adults through SISTR and supported referrals to BBAHC services (Infant Learning

Program, Jake’s Place, etc.)   


Liaison with Dillingham City School District, Head Start and other pre-school, elementary, middle and high school programs and assistance with educational

goals including operation of Peer Tutoring and Mentoring and the Saturday Opportunity School programs. 


MySpace Youth Wellness Center – Open Monday through Saturday to youth providing a wide range of Youth Services including teen support groups, Leadership Assets Youth

Coalition (LAYC);  teen media institute; youth court;  Leadership Immersion Program, Culture Camp and adjunct programs and services focused onteens age 12 to 20.


Summer Youth Services – Includes outdoor parks and recreation activities for children ages 6-12, Culture Camp, sports (Little League, Softball, Soccer, etc.), Leadership Camp, and Community BBQ’s.


Active participation and membership in a host of children organizations and/or agencies working on behalf of children including the Child Advocacy Center,

Rural Alliance for Teens,  Healthy Families and Tribal Children Service

Workers programs.